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L'Eurocoupe FIBA en direct mercredi sur TV Basketfeminin

Les Young Cats et Dexia Namur Capitale

Les Young Cats et Dexia Namur Capitale jouent mercredi soir au Hall O. Henry leur troisième rencontre en Eurocoupe FIBA. Avec une défaite et une victoire, les deux équipes belges sortent d'un déplacement victorieux, les uns à Novosibirsk, les autres à Nantes. Les Young Cats face aux Suédoises de Telge à 17h45 et Dexia Namur Capitale contre les Portugaises de Vagos à 20h30, ce seront les deux affiches à voir, en direct commenté, sur TV Basketfeminin !


L'Eurocoupe FIBA en direct mercredi sur TV Basketfeminin
(source FIBA Europe
It was a close call for the performance of the week accolade with Daniel Goethals and his Dexia Namur Capitale team claiming an excellent win at Nantes Reze.

However, I must give the award this week to Lotto Young Cats who were also victorious on the road after securing a terrific 75-69 success in Russia at Dynamo-GUVD.

The irony of losing out on the award to his Belgian rivals won't be lost on Goethals, since many of the Young Cats players have worked with the play-caller at youth level for Belgium including the likes of Emma Meesseman, Antonia Delaere, Heleen Adams, Sien Devliegher and Julie Vanloo, who incidentally didn't play in this game.

The win was particularly impressive since the visitors were behind by double-digits at the start of the fourth period.

Suivi jusqu'en Roumanie avec notre partenaire

Mardi 15 Novembre 2011